How to Scald a Chicken

The invention of the chicken plucker has been a game changer for the meat bird industry and backyard farmers alike. But why do some users seem to have better luck with plucking than others? In most cases, those who find success with a chicken plucker are generally pro's when it comes to the scalding process.
What is Poultry Scalding?
Scalding is the process of immersing a dispatched bird in hot water to loosen the feathers. Scalding is done using either a Poultry Scalder or any other device used to heat large amounts of water. Too much scalding can cause the skin of the bird to discolor and tear but not enough and you may have a hard time removing feathers with or without a chicken plucker.
Scalding Tips & Tricks
Heat your scalding water to 145-150 degrees Fahrenheit.
This temperature range is effective at loosening feathers without overheating your bird.
When you can easily pull a wing or tail feather, its time for the plucker.
Wing and tail feathers tend to be the most difficult to pluck, you will know your scald is complete when you can easily remove feathers from either of these parts of the birds.
Use scalding gloves to move your bird in the water.
Making sure water can penetrate between feathers and contact the skin is a must. Scalding gloves or a utensil such as a wooden spoon help to keep your hands safe and ensures good results.
Maintain your temperature throughout your butchering process.
As you work through your flock, the birds will have a tendency to cool your water, make sure you keep a close eye on your water temperature and make sure it stays within the 145 to 155 range.
Scald the feet.
If you plan to save the chicken feet, make sure you scald them thoroughly as well as the the rest of the bird. When the skin on the feet of the chicken can be easily removed, you know your scald is complete.
Heat water ahead of time.
Water can take a surprisingly long time to reach temperature depending on your scalding setup, make sure to get this water going an hour or two before you plan to butcher to make sure your water is at temp when it is time to start scalding.